A Primer on Condo EV Charging Safety: What Your Condo Board Needs to Know

Electric vehicles (EVs) are here to stay. It is estimated that roughly 16 million electric cars are on the road worldwide. As electric transportation experiences an extraordinary surge, communities must provide residents with safe, simple, and convenient charging options. If your board is considering condo EV charging, it is imperative to understand and plan for the associated risks.

Considerations for Condo EV Charging Safety and Insurance Requirements

With EVs becoming more common, condominiums and shared living spaces are increasingly considering the integration of EV charging stations. Onsite condo EV charging is desirable for owners and potential new residents. As vehicles evolve in size and power source, unknown risks arise, especially concerning fire safety. In this article, we combine insights from Zurich Resilience Solutions with established best practices to offer guidance on potential hazards and their management from a property risk assessment perspective.

Changing Landscape of Modern Vehicles

In the last half-century, cars have transformed. Customer preferences for comfort and performance have led to a surge in the use of plastic materials in automotive construction. This evolution has resulted in an elevated fire load in vehicles. With their reliance on plastics, modern vehicles pose a greater risk; fires can be more intense, spread faster, and cause more substantial damage.

The Rise of Electric Vehicles: EV Charger Safety

Growing environmental awareness is pushing us away from traditional internal combustion engines towards electric alternatives. EVs mainly rely on lithium-ion batteries of varying chemistries and capacities. Although these batteries are efficient, they come with inherent risks:

  • Fires involving lithium-ion batteries can be challenging to combat.
  • Their high energy density increases the fire risk.
  • Battery failures can result from misuse, unauthorized modifications, physical damages, thermal stress, malfunctions, and aging.
  • In case of a failure, a battery can undergo a thermal runaway, releasing flammable and potentially explosive gases.

When these gases are released in confined spaces, such as indoor parking, they could accumulate and pose explosion hazards. These gaseous byproducts can also include volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen, among others. If water is applied to such fires, it could lead to the release of additional toxic gases like hydrogen fluoride.

Guidance for Safe Condo EV Charging

If your condo board is considering installing EV chargers, consider these high-level recommendations first.

  • Research suggests that automatic sprinkler systems can help confine fires originating from lithium-ion batteries.
  • Wet-type sprinkler systems are preferred. If dry-type systems are used, ensure they are designed per relevant standards.
  • Regular inspection, testing, and maintenance are vital for any fixed fire protection system.

For Indoor EV Charging:

Many condominiums have a multi-story parking garage. Keep these suggestions in mind when planning for condo EV charging in a parking structure.

  • Place charging stations close to entrances or exits for easy access.
  • Separate the charging area with fire-rated barriers from other parts of the building.
  • Provide adequate ventilation to prevent the build-up of flammable gases.
  • Equip areas with automatic fire detection systems.

The National Fire Protection Association is the leading knowledge resource for fire, electrical, and related hazards. This blog post has good information specific to EV charging stations within a parking structure, include guidance on life safety code requirements.

For Outdoor EV Charging

Outdoor EV charging stations also have basic safety considerations to keep in mind.

  • Ideally, keep charging stations a safe distance from combustible walls or unprotected openings.
  • Collaborate with local fire services to develop a pre-fire plan.

General Recommendations for Condo EV Charging Stations:

Regardless of where condo EV charging stations are located, it is important to keep safety at the forefront.

  • Inspect stations daily for damages.
  • Avoid charging near combustibles.
  • Always install using qualified contractors in line with local regulations.
  • Consider installing fire detection and sprinkler systems nearby.
  • Ensure charging stations are protected from mechanical impacts and have adequate space for fire service access.

Collaboration with Public Fire Service

Given the unique challenges posed EV fires, it’s essential for condo boards to work closely with public fire services. Keep the lines of communication open. Mark charging station locations on fire plans and make sure the local fire department is aware of these locations. Regular discussions and trainings can help in developing a robust pre-fire plan.


Condo EV charging stations aren’t just about convenience; it’s about understanding and managing the risks associated with modern vehicles. With proper safety measures, condominiums can effectively and safely cater to the growing number of electric vehicle owners.

References: The content provided is a combination of the data provided, insights from Zurich Resilience Solutions, and best practices from various standards including NFPA and VdS guidelines.

Disclaimer: The guidance herein is subject to change based on ongoing research and evolving standards. Archer Risk Services recommends regular consultation with risk engineering and fire safety experts. Contact us for qualified referrals.

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