Homeowners’ Associations (HOAs) and Condominium Associations (CAs) can encounter many types of claims and losses, and it’s crucial for them to swiftly address and report losses. These losses can be in the form of property damage or liability claims.

The sense of urgency and the process for reporting these types of losses can be detailed as follows:

Property Losses

  • Safety and Security: Untreated property damage, like broken windows or damaged gates, can pose safety hazards or allow unauthorized access.
  • Financial Impact: Delays in reporting or repairing damage can exacerbate the issue, leading to more extensive and expensive repairs.
  • Property Values: Unaddressed damage can decrease the property’s value and the overall appearance of the community.
  • Potential Secondary Damage: Some losses, like water leaks, can lead to secondary damage (e.g., mold growth) if not promptly addressed.


Liability Losses:

  • Legal and Financial Ramifications: Liability claims could result in lawsuits. Prompt reporting can help the HOA’s insurance company prepare a defense or settle the claim efficiently.
  • Reputation: Delayed response to a liability issue can harm the HOA’s reputation in the community.
  • Mitigation: Immediate attention might mitigate further injury or damages.


Process for Reporting:

Property Losses:

  • Immediate Attention: If the damage poses a safety risk, immediate action (like temporary repairs or barricades) should be taken.
  • Documentation: Photograph the damage, gather any related records, and detail the circumstances leading to the loss.
  • Notify the HOA Board and Management: The responsible parties should be made aware of the loss.
  • Contact Insurance: Notify the HOA’s insurance agent about the loss. Provide them with documented information.
  • Get Estimates: For repair work, it may be necessary to obtain estimates from contractors.
  • Repairs: Once everything’s cleared with insurance, proceed with the necessary repairs.

Liability Losses:

  • Immediate Response: If someone claims injury or damage because of the HOA’s negligence, it’s essential to respond immediately. This might include offering medical assistance if someone is injured.
  • Documentation: Record details of the incident, including the date, time, location, involved parties, witnesses, and a description of the event. Photographs or video footage can be useful.
  • Notify the HOA Board and Management: Ensure they’re aware of potential liability issues.
  • Contact Insurance: As with property losses, promptly notify the HOA’s insurance agent, providing them with all documented details.
  • Legal Consultation: Depending on the severity or complexity of the claim, the HOA might need to consult with an attorney.

In summary, it’s vital for a Homeowners Association or Condominium Association to address and report both property and liability losses promptly. This ensures the safety and well-being of the community residents, helps preserve property values, and minimizes financial and legal ramifications for the HOA.


Loss Reporting Form

Loss Reporting

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Please include photos of the loss/event, or if the loss is related to a lawsuit/demand, please attach a copy of the correspondence.

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